Are Lies was released by Reptilian Records and looks to be, shockingly enough to me, out-of-print. In 2005, Shit Sandwich released an LP and 7" of newly recorded Fuses material. Does it make you want to jitter? Yeah, it really does. Well worth spending money on, especially when the alternative is watching it drift away with your 401(K).

The Fuses - Are Lies
RIYL: too much amphetamine, the Proletariat, anything on KBD
Hi there. This is Lee from the Fuses, aka the AWOL married drummer. Thanks for the kind words about the band and for posting this material. (My ears are still ringing, incidentally.)
I like to think of Lee Ashlin as "erstwhile".
No way, man. I'm 100% present tense. Existent, even while experiencing purgatory in Northeast Pennsylvania.
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