Monday, May 11, 2020

Aliens ReAction Figures from Super7

Anyone who knows me knows what a fan of both Aliens and Super7 I am. Aliens was the first R-rated movie I ever saw, and remains one of my all time favorites. Reading Super7 was the first time I explored the intersection between punk rock, toy collecting, skateboarding, and full-blown nerdery. Years ago, when the team at Super7 shared the concept behind the ReAction Figure line, and showed me that an Alien license would be their first, I was super stoked, and hoped Aliens wouldn't be far behind. And now, like I'd always wanted since I was a kid, ReAction is coming to Aliens.

Super7 sent out a mailer last week detailing the first human character releases for Aliens ReAction, and these are really cool counterparts to the Xenomorphs released last year. The character list includes:
  • Bishop - "I may be synthetic, but I'm not stupid." Bishop, the synthetic Executive Officer of the Sulaco, comes with pull apart attack damage.
  • Hicks - "It's game time." Hicks, the battle-hardened Squad Leader of the Colonial Marines, comes with removable helmet and armed with his shotgun that he likes to keep handy... for close encounters.
  • Hudson - "Game over, man!! GAME OVER!" Hudson, the smart ass Private of the Colonial Marines, comes with removable helmet and armed with a Pulse Rifle.
  • Newt - "My mommy always said there were no monsters... No real ones... but there are..." Newt, the sole survivor of the Hadley's Hope colony, comes with her doll Casey's head. Newt stands 3.5" tall.
  • Ripley - "Get away from her, you bitch!" Ripley, the civilian advisor to the Colonial Marines on their mission to LV-426, comes armed with a Pulse Rifle.
  • Vasquez - "LET'S ROCK!!" Vasquez, the badass Colonial Marine, comes armed with her badass Smartgun.

At $18 a figure, these are a little pricier than I typically prefer. But I'm a fan of the ReAction aesthetic, and applying it to an 80s license is just perfect. I think the Bishop is the breakout figure here; who DOESN'T like an action figure you can tear in half and put back together?

These are available to ship now. If you're feeling really crazy, you can get a mixed assortment of all six human figures in this wave for $108.00 via Don't forget the three styles of Alien Warrior; these Colonial Marines won't rip themselves apart.

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