Tuesday, May 12, 2020

New Celebrated Summer Records benefit tees

Friend of the blog, Deep Sleep/WarXGames/Daybreak front man, and Tight Bro from All the Way Back Tony Pence owns one of the best record stores in the world, Baltimore's Celebrated Summer Records. Like everyone else, he's seeing a massive drop in income due to the quarantine. So he's partnered with Bonfire and artists Nick & Lindsay DiFabbio of Cherry Moth Cake to put out a pair of really dope looking t-shirt designs! As Tony put it, "Sadly the current world heath crisis has forced us to close our doors temporarily for both our and our customers sakes. In buying a shirt you will be helping us with rent and continuing store operations until we can get to the other side of this together!"
I'm personally stoked on the 3/4 sleeve baseball tee, altho I did order one of each style. I like this Bonfire concept a lot; everyone loves t-shirts, and having them as a fundraising tool is a great idea. It looks like they use pretty quality bodies as well.

So get right for the summer, support a cool record store, and order one (or three) today.

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