Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Huggy Bear - Our Troubled Youth

Make yourself a list of the great split LPs. Go ahead, I'll wait.

What'd you come up with?

Is the Bikini Kill/Huggy Bear split there? Yeah? Good, you're a bright kid. You'll go far.

The Huggy Bear side is entitled "Our Troubled Youth", and I listen to it far more than I do Bikini Kill. Granted, I know "Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah" like a rabbi knows the Torah, but there's some real dirt on Huggy Bear that I find mighty appealing.

The ability to play 1,500 person rooms and the comprehensive reissue program draws sharp relief between Bikini Kill and the relative present obscurity of Huggy Bear. It's a shame, because the British contemporaries to Olympia's finest colored the next 30 or so years of queer and feminist DIY. Maybe they don't get back together to play Terminal 5 or Lollapalooza, but they deserve better than dollar bin obscurity.
Also, above is Huggy Bear absolutely tearing it down on a British equivalent to 120 Minutes.

So here's "Our Troubled Youth". If you like, I encourage you to pin down some of their 7"s, including the outstanding "Her Jazz", which, as far as I'm concerned, is right up there with "Rebel Girl" and "Bitch Theme" as my favorite riot grrrl jams. For now, rock this out.

Click here to download.

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