Monday, June 1, 2020

Razorcake subscription drive!

There are so few remaining print venues out there that I never cease to be amazed and proud of the ongoing work from Los Angeles' Razorcake. Every two months, a new magazine (glossy cover, newsprint pages) shows up, telling me about new music, new books, and sharing a diverse viewpoint on the world, filtered through a punk lens. To me, it feels like one of the last links to the pre-Internet days, where you'd learn about the small stuff via a zine and tape trading. I got my June/July issue just a couple of days ago, and got to reading a cool interview with Lisa Fancher (from Frontier Records), a guest column from Michelle Gonzales (Spitboy), and a deep dive into the world of Nate Powell (March, Soophie Nun Squad). It's pretty cool and varied subject matter.

I'm here to tell ya that June is Razorcake's subscription drive, and you can snag a hella good deal by signing up this month. Normally, a one year (six issue) subscription runs $15. But for the month of June, $17 will get you 10 issues! That's right; 1,120 pages of interviews, reviews, comix, columns, and ne'er-do-wellery. Well, maybe not that last part. But it's the easiest money I spend every year.

Let's face it; reading your phone on the crapper is kinda gross, and you've probably spent $20 on cruddy takeout during the pandemic. So why not put less than a dub down on one of the leading lights of modern DIY culture?

Click here to learn more.

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