Saturday, July 25, 2020

Ceremony / Titus Andronicus - Tour Split

Ceremony at Home Sick 2, 2019 (photo by Kelsey Drivinski)

I picked up a cheap copy of the second Ceremony record, "Still, Nothing Moves You", on CD this week from the fine folks at Hollow Ground Distro in Texas (good folks, buy their stuff!). That led me to load all their stuff up until "Zoo" onto my phone, which then reminded me of this record. So, I figure, let's share.

I hadn't seen Ceremony the first time they played Charm City Art Space in the mid aughts, but I was fully on board by the time this 7" came out in 2012. They'd made a trio of perfect progressive hardcore full-lengths and a host of great singles since forming in 2005. Their third LP, "Rohnert Park", remains one of my favorites from that period when I started booking and playing shows again. But they'd left the friendly confines of Bridge 9 Records for the big leagues of Matador and the Beggars Group, and were getting ready to go on tour with new label mates Titus Andronicus. This slab came in an edition of 1,000 available only on the tour: 500 on black, and 500 on clear.

I'm not going to lie to you: I play the Ceremony side of this a lot more than the T.A. side. Ceremony comes to the end of that path of rockin' hardcore with "Everything Burns". Their next record, "Zoo", would see them really embracing British post punk and downplaying their more moshy side. Titus Andronicus previews their release later that year of "Local Business" with album cut "In A Big City". It sounds like most of the rest of their music to me: like the random punk rock song playing on the PA of a Whole Foods.

Is this worth hearing? Damn straight, it is. Honestly, I'd like more splits to be like this: a band I'm pretty sure I'm going to like, and one that I'm ambivalent or even fully against.

Click here to download.

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