Thursday, July 23, 2020

Indigesti ‎– Sguardo Realtà

I've always felt like my knowledge of Italian punk and hardcore was a bit on the weak side, so it was really cool to turn this up for $1.50 at a Goodwill a couple years ago. I had downloaded the Wretched / Indigesti split from Erich Keller's blog years before, so I had a good sense of what I was in for. But this 1998 compilation, featuring Indigesti's collected output from 1982 and 1983, was a mind-melter. I mean, who would you compare this to? They were among the leading lights of Euro-thrash; they just were doing it two to three years ahead of everyone else. What I like most about this is the D-beat-esque lyrical style: just slam poetry, dunked down hard atop a pulsing beat.

This is a reissue of the record that came out in 1994, which, of course, compiled their cuts from that Wretched split, their "Sguardo Realtà", 10 unreleased tracks, and an 8-minute live set in Milan. I won't say it's the best $1.50 I've ever spent, but it's definitely one of the best dollar bin/thrift store finds I've ever had.

Click here to download.

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