Thursday, July 2, 2020

The Beatniks - Moo

THIS is exactly what I look for when I go out thrifting. Bear with me while I explain.

The Beatniks, today, appear to be one of those dad bands, playing covers from the 60s and 70s, at the street fair that the suburbs are typically full of this time of year, COVID notwithstanding. They play well enough, the slot in anywhere on a mixed bill, they offend no one. And that's nice for people. Hell, you can even have them play during dinner at a corporate retreat, and the middle managers will go OFF! Their Facebook page is chock full of testimonials to their greatness, and while it's not my thing, far be it for me to bag on dudes in their 50s to keep making music and getting paid to do it.

However, in 1992, they were a quartet of up-and-comers from Seattle. And this was their self-released EP. And I don't hate it. It has this early 90s, pop alternative sound that slotted in well with grunge, but came from a much cleaner sonic place. The recording and mix from Don Gilmore is really solid; it didn't surprise me to read his credit list and see his work with Eve 6 and Lit. I REALLY like the drumming here, too.

I grabbed this initially because it was a buck, and no one showed that they owned a copy on Discogs. I like being that guy. Sure enough, I found another one deep in Snohomish County, this time for $2, so I grabbed that as well. Even with music I'm not in love with, I feel weird about records being orphaned. Records like this are worth remembering, even if your website refuses to acknowledge it.

Click here to download.

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