Friday, August 28, 2020

White Cross ‎– Deaf, Dumb And Blind

White Cross (photo from Facebook)

Once again, I find myself behind the 8-ball, watching nunsploitation with nothing on the books for the following morning's post. Let's dig into the magic murder bag and pull out some classic American hardcore.

White Cross were from Richmond, VA, and always seemed like one of those bands I'd hear about but never hear. Pen Rollings played bass on their 7", "Fascist", a year before he joined Honor Role; the rhythm section on their LP, "What's Going On", would join the first incarnation of GWAR after White Cross broke up. White Cross had their greatest national exposure via their two songs on the first "We Got Power" compilation.

Grand Theft Audio put out this shiny 5" disc back in 1995, compiling the LP, the 7", and 12 unreleased cuts, circa 1984-85. I think it's a real cool snapshot of what was filtering out into the world from those early Black Flag/Bad Brains/DOA releases. All in all, you get 41 snotty circle pitters (that's a thing, right?) that haven't been reissued ever. Apparently, they're even still occasionally gigging around Richmond, featuring three of the four members and Greta Brinkman (L7, Wasted Talent) on bass. That's fun, right? I kinda wish I'd known 5-6 years ago; I totally would have booked them to rage out in some 50 person room in Baltimore.


Click here to download.

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