Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Discount - Ataxia's Alright Tonight

Rabbit, rabbit, my friends. I hope you're all hanging tough, and that you can pay your rent or mortgage today.

Here's Vero Beach's finest, with their first of three full-lengths. And like the very best pop punk bands, you could hear from the first song that Discount were going to be something special. Never mind that it'd take the band breaking up and Alison starting the Kills for her to gain greater recognition for her amazing voice. But we knew, we knew...

They'd probably have gotten noticed a lot sooner if they weren't from that godforsaken stretch of Atlantic beachfront running from the Georgia state line down to Miami. Instead, they were relegated to small labels with bad distribution and 1/6 page ads towards the back of Maximum Rock 'n' Roll. Had they been from the East Bay, or Orange County, or even further north around Gainesville, I figure they'd have given No Doubt a run for their post-riot grrrl dollar. They understood them overseas, though, and sang their praises. They released singles and splits with Snuffy Smile in Japan, Rugger Bugger in the UK, and Good Life Recordings in Belgium, where they call fries pommes frites.

The CD came out on California's Liquid Meat, which eventually morphed into New American Dream and quickly folded after releasing Discount's last LP and an amazing Kind of Like Spitting record. Tim from Against All Authority handled the vinyl via his Far Out Records. I'm pretty sure I got this from him during a AAA show in Bowie or some other Rt. 50 Maryland town. There's a rather endearing R.E.M. cover at the end of the record. And that's all the trivia I have for you.

Click here to download.

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