Saturday, December 12, 2020

various artists - Punk Rock Jukebox

It's a point of pride that I post something (damn near) every day, so to be off my pace this month has been a bit troubling. I've also hit the dregs of what I've already uploaded, and am long overdue for a deep update. The holidays, everybody. Being a human being doesn't make it easy to blog.

The first of the two "Punk Rock Jukebox" comps released by NYC's Blackout! was a record that people were constantly calling in requests for when I did my radio show in the late 90s. But the only standout things about it at the time were Deadguy covering Black Flag and the pretty great Jim Blanchard cover illustration. So I was ok with not buying it. No great loss picking up one of the few contemporary punk comps I saw at Camelot Music, I thought.

However, it was via osmosis and the mix tape that I ended up hearing most of this, albeit out of order. It was the first time I'd ever heard a Cock Sparrer song (played by the criminally underrated Swingin' Utters). Leeway's appearance here had me tracking down the Zero Boys. And, eventually, I broke down a copped a slab, slapping down a few bucks to ensure I had a copy of Murphy's Law covering Fleetwood Mac/the Revillos.

Old-ass me has nothing left to prove, so I revisited this a few months back and, yeah, it probably wouldn't have been worth the $14.99 list price back in 1995, but few things were. As a download, or a thrift store find, it's really quite good, with the only duds coming from some band called Waterdog and, to no one's surprise, Sublime's cover of "We're Only Going To Die For Our Own Arrogance". Not bad, considering there's 23 tracks here...

Click here to download.

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