Monday, February 8, 2021

Unwound - live at the Breakroom, 1999-10-26

Unwound (photo by J. Winterberg)

Back before it was Chop Suey, but after it was an auto parts store, 1325 E. Madison St. in Seattle was known as the Breakroom. I never went there, seeing as how I lived on the opposite coast, but I heard many a tale of it, since I booked a lot of WA state bands who played there. And when they'd play a show at the Ottobar or Talking Head, they'd inevitably bring up this spot that held around 200 people that they loved playing.

Unwound headlined there in the fall of 1999, supported by the relatively obscure (but well worth tracking down) Yind and the less obscure Hovercraft. Unwound was a year off the release of "Challenge For A Civilized World", and just starting to debut tracks that would appear on their final studio LP, "Leaves Turn You Inside Out". "Off This Century", "October All Over", and "Summer Freeze" pop up here, not fully fleshed out, but showing the powerful songwriting that'd be developed by the time "Leaves" came out 18 months later. "Laszlo" also turns up here; it wouldn't get its wax debut until Numero Group put the "Empire" retrospective until 2015.

All in all, a pretty great Unwound set. I dunno how you feel about them, but I've always thought they were pretty underrated, truth be told. Check for yourself.

Click here to download.

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