Thursday, October 28, 2021

Louise Huebner's Seduction Through Witchcraft

Imagine walking into even the freakiest of record stores or secondhand stores and asking for this. "Please, do you have a copy of Louise Huebner's 'Seduction Through Witchcraft'?" Having been that person, I can tell you; nothing makes me feel like more of a pervert than trying to track down a copy of this landmark ambient recording, featuring a sixth-generation witch once honored by L.A. County. It's like an illustration of a thick-lensed, bulbous-nosed, stooped, trenchcoat-wearing masturbator come to life, creeping about looking for tips and tricks on how to finagle the interest of the disinterested. Even the most liberal minded are sure to look like they've smelled a fart, with only imagination available to determine why ANYONE would want...what, is it a book? A record? A pamphlet?

But the kink shaming is SOOOOO worth it.

Not so much for the spoken content, although it has a seasonal quality that suits this time of year perfectly. Nah, it's the team of Louis & Bebe Barron that makes this a terribly underheard record. They created the soundtrack to "Forbidden Planet", the first all-electronic film score, and still as influential a bop as any reel o' tape as exists.

Anyway, I'm kinda glad I can now restrict my weird record searches a bit, now that I own this.

Click here to download.

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