Tuesday, March 8, 2022

various artists - Blackbox Compilation

Fuck it; let's share another comp.

Blackbox Records lasted for a dozen plus singles over two years in post-unification Germany. This, Blackbox's 14th and final release, offers a pretty decent overview of their output during that time. Their second release was a four-song live 7" by Canadian pop punkers Doughboys, featuring a cover of KISS's "Stole Yer Love" which appears here. Big Drill Car also contributes a live version of Billy Joel's "Big Shot", which originally appeared on their split with Thud! While neither band shows up on this comp, Blackbox also released live 7"s from post-Necros project Big Chief and Grant Hart's band Nova Mob. Both cuts from Pittsburgh garage rockers Heretics were drawn from their 1991 single. There's even an acoustic contribution from Samiam, which showed up Stateside via their "Don't Break Me" 10".

But the reason I kept this were the two songs from Leatherface. It wasn't like I was going to find a copy of the "Eagle" 7" out in the wild back when I laid my paws on this in the mid-90s, so a chance to hear a Frankie Stubbs original, from the period between "Mush" and "Minx"...well, I was going to take that chance. I had no idea that "Eagle" was actually an ABBA song. "Dreaming", the Leatherface original on this single, also showed up on the "Compact & Bijou" EP, another Leatherface release that only existed for me on secondhand dubs until Deranged's reissue of "Discography Part 2" eleven years later.

Click here to download.

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