Friday, November 18, 2022

various artists - Eye Of The Needle

I am an absolute sucker for spending a few bucks on anything local that I'm unfamiliar with. "Eye Of The Needle", a sampling of 1990-era Seattle (non-Sub Pop categories), fits that description to a T. It took some deep diving on Discogs to determine I was the least bit familiar with even two of the 18 bands/artists here. I'd heard Aaiiee on this Screamers tribute CD that came out about 20 years ago; apparently, they've stayed together as a band of what I'm sure are now 50- to 60-year-old weirdos making weirdo music for fellow weirdos. Laura Love, appearing here as part of "folk-funk feminist foursome" Venus Fury, did a couple of records for Mercury in the last 90s; possibly the major's bid for some Lilith Fair dollars? Other than that, it's a wide swath of music from folks who, I presume, provided a vital enough portion of the greater scene in the Emerald City 30+ years ago, when wee folks like me on the other side of the country were being bombarded for the first time by Mudhoney and Melvins and Fastbacks. A cross-section, if you will. I loved diving into this without any larger context than, "here's a little slice of history that you'll be completely unfamiliar with."


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