Monday, November 7, 2022

various artists - In The Name Of Satan: A Tribute To Venom


In the positive column:
  • Voivod, Nuclear Assault, Kreator, and Sodom, all appearing on a tribute to black metal "originators" Venom
  • It cost me a buck
  • This copy has a hole punched through the barcode, which tells me the first owner of this paid little to nothing for it
And in the negative column:
  • This is the American version of the release on Deadline/Cleopatra, with an extra track by the Electric Hellfire Club jammed into the middle of the comp
  • As the US-released version, they dropped the "In The Name Of Satan" part of the title, so as not to offend anyone in middle America
  • This isn't an hour of bands influenced by Venom doing riffs on this EP
This isn't "good", but it's worth hearing at least once all the way through.

(using the OG German cover b/c it's cooler/cornier)

Click here to download.

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