Monday, September 25, 2023

various artists - Dope-Guns-'N-Fucking In The Streets Volumes 8-11

I had oriignally planned to post this a couple weeks ago, as I reached my 46th birthday. I serendipitously found this in a box of CDs due to be put in storage, and, somehow, it wasn't on my hard drive. Boom: a perfect share. But, then, life got in the way. So here I am, prepping for a colonoscopy tomorrow, my stomach empty except for lemon-lime Gatorade Zero. Why regret not having posted for two weeks? Take a little time on the toilet, dash this one off in a jiffy,

DGF remains a foundational series of (initially) eleven 7"s, released between 1988 and 1998, by the eternally cool, maximally abrasive Amphetamine Reptile Records. If you're a yoot born in the past 25 years, not yet familiar with the world of noise rock in which I grew up, you could use the series as a pretty good checklist. Hell, I did.

I single this out, not just because I found the CD the other day, but because these were the 7" releases I was actually around for and hunting down in the record bins of Roanoke and Baltimore. This was some of my first exposures to Superchunk, Jawbox, RFTC, and Braniac; all bands whose recorded outputs I've collected fervently in the interim. The likes of Guzzard and Bailter Space don't exactly rev my engine, but they're no slouches in this lineup. Today is the Day, Gaunt, Bordeoms: their cuts here rank amongst my favorites by each band.

I hope that, when you listen to this, you'll consider the joys of taking a fiber optic camera up the ass in the interest of GI health. I'd like to think it's what Mr. Hazelmyer had in mind whilst compiling it.


Click here to download.

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