Monday, May 20, 2024

various artists - The Future Looks Brighter

Turned this up a few months ago, and even though I own a couple of these on vinyl already, and had everything but the Symbol Six cuts on my hard drive, I couldn't pass this up on CD for a couple bux. Collecting is an illness; a, at times, delightful one, but it leads to moments like these when you end up with several copies of the same recordings.

But what recordings! This Posh Boy sampler, inspired by and partially derived from 1981's split release with SST, "The Future Looks Bright Ahead", compiles:

  • Social Distortion's songs from the original 1981 sampler, plus the three additional songs on the otherwise-unreleased "Posh Boy's Little Monsters" 12" and their contribution to "Posh Hits Vol. 1"
  • Shattered Faith's "I Love America b/w Reagan Country", their cuts from "Bright Ahead", and their offering from "Rodney on the ROQ Volume 2"
  • The entirety of Redd Kross's 1981 "Red Cross" 12"
  • Channel 3's "CH3" 12"

This is an embarrassment of riches. And if you're at all familiar with early 80s LA punk & HC, you know all these by heart. But if you don't, I'll just say this is worth downloading for Redd Kross alone.

But that's me; a Virgo with a sick record collection.

Click here to download.

1 comment:

jonder said...

Played the fk out of the tape back then. Manzanar and Abolish Government on one side, the "Fat" EP and "Six Pack" on the other...

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