Tuesday, June 11, 2024

unknown artist - Science Fiction Sounds

I'm grumpy, because I'd rather be watching "Aliens" for the millionth time instead of "Trixie Motel" Season Two. That's not very on brand for Pride Month, but I was a sci-fi dork long before I knew what an "ally" was and the parades were family friendly. And now I'm getting yelled at for not realizing that Trixie and David's new porch was flooding, and thinking Mrs. Mummy was talking about friends of ours back East.

So here's a CD's worth of "pew pew" and "zoom" sounds. I'm not sure where or when I picked this up, but it's the rare item in my collection that isn't on Discogs and that I haven't added myself. I guess I couldn't see the appeal in typing 70 tracks worth of titles.

Click here to download.

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