Monday, June 24, 2024

various artists - Mojo Presents: Trash! The Roots Of Punk!

From the ridiculous(ly bad) to the tragic to the sublime: here's yet another killer Mojo comp. This one's chock full of proto-punk, pub rock, glam, and even a smooch of space rock and motorik. The Iggster is on the cover. The Dolls lead things off. There's not a dud in the entire bunch.

But who am I telling? You know what you're getting when you visit Primitive Offerings, my previous post notwithstanding.

Click here to download.


Covid Isthefluonly said...

Thanks a lot, though Mojo should have at least included MC5's 'Lookin at you' and The Velvets' 'White light white heat' for instance.

Mr Grimsdale said...

Licensing costs, innit?

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