Monday, June 3, 2024

various artists - Silver Lake...What A Drag!

This was another dollar find on eBay, purchased mainly for the opportunity to actually hear the Negro Problem for the first time. That's right; it took me 28 years to hear a relatively-unknown band with an edgy name. It was...fine.

This comp, themed around bands from L.A.'s Silver Lake neighborhood (not, as I've thought for years, Silverlake), came out on a short-lived Thump Records sub-label. I knew Snap-Her and Popdefect going into things, and with those exceptions, this sounds like a label showcase at Jabberjaw on a Tuesday night. It's a bunch of bands that are perfectly competent, but nothing that really stands out to me. "Clever" names and a cool neighborhood are all well and good, but...meh.

But what do I know? I was listening to a bunch of records that came out on Victory in 1996.

Click here to download.


D W said...

I just recently found it for a buck too, and I have to agree. It's "meh"

Ape Mummy said...

Fun postscript: I was at the local Silver Platters, where they had two copies of the Negro Problem's "Post Minstrel Syndrome" and no Warner-era Devo records.

I had gone looking for Devo CDs, you see.

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