Thursday, August 22, 2024

various artists - Mojo Presents: The Dawning Of A New Era (15 Classic Punk & Ska Tracks!)

Summer slips away. The days here grow short. The sun stood tall in the sky past 9pm just a few weeks ago; now, things are evening out, dusk coming at a more normal hour of 8-ish. The pool will soon close; the hoodies will come out of the closet.

I will wear shorts for another four months.

I didn't pick this up in January/February 2008, when this hit the newsstands. So I couldn't say what the context of this was. I'm left to guess how one justifies mixing JA rocksteady & reggae, the Untouchables, the Ruts, Judge Dread, and the goddamn Belle Stars to represent the eIxplosion of 2 Tone in 1979 & 1980. It's as tenuous a compilation as I've encountered from Mojo.

But I'm not really complaining. I think I got this for a buck, and one could play the first five tracks, all Trojan classics, on repeat without it ever getting old. I'll do this at least a few times over the coming weeks, if only to extend summer just a bit longer.

Click here to download.

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