Here is the first Spazz full-length, La Revancha, released all the way back in 1997, which, frankly, feels like a million years ago. I didn't grow up hip to Napalm Death, much less Infest & Crossed Out, so this was really a revelation for me. I really miss the whole "power violence" movement, and I still kick myself for not hoofing it out to Berkeley with Chamberlain for the last Spazz show at Gilman St. There's still nothing like a good wall of death to get the heart pumping.
More to come, I swear. And if you're just showing up for the first time, I think most of the links are still live, so getcher rock on, pilgrim.

Spazz - La Revancha
(click the record to DL)
RIYL: short, fast, loud
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