Friday, March 25, 2022

Gang Of Four - Entertainment & Yellow EP

Look, there's no need for me to spill the veritable digital ink over recordings that have been far better lauded than the likes of this humble ape. So let this tiny blog stand as a continuation of my ongoing Infinite Zero posts, a share of something I've owned since it came out in 1995, and a reminder that, even if I lose my job in the next 24 hours (a very possible future), no matter how bad things get, no one can take away the likes of Gang Of Four from me. A stone cold classic, a must own, a reason for continued existence.

Click here to download.

Read This One

Post #400: Double Dagger - Ragged Rubble

It took from May to August 2000 to go from 100 to 200 posts. Then I hit 300 posts two days before Christmas 2000. And now I'm here, anot...

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