Wednesday, March 23, 2022

various artists - Arts & Crafts Sampler Vol. 4

Today, we look back to the heyday of blogs and the explosion of publicist-driven indie rock with this, the fourth volume in Arts & Crafts Sampler series. I came across this on the 50 cent shelf at one of my local go-to thrift stores and said, "Fuck it. It's 50 cents." And away we went.

It's totally worth owning just for the two Los Campesinos! tracks, both of which appear on their A&C EP "Sticking Fingers Into Sockets" and are total bangers. Do I already own that record? Sure I do. Has it been ripped to a hard drive for at least 10 years? Of course it was. But did I have access to these songs right that moment? Reader, I did not. So, again, away we went. Beep beep!

(That's me beeping an imaginary car horn as I drive away. Just making you're still following me.)

I'm not sure if any of the other tracks here particularly hold up for me. I never had anything for or against Broken Social Scene or Stars, the two "biggest" bands here, and nothing about their four collected tracks here change that. I liked the two New Buffalo cuts; the rest were kind of "meh". But I suppose there's room in life for taking a four-bit bet to see if there was something worth hearing for the first time.

And now I've shared it with you.

Postscript: let the record show there is an alternate version of this sampler, featuring a pair of Feist tracks and a different Apostle Of Hustle song. So, you know...there you go.


Click here to download.

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