Saturday, May 7, 2022

Razors Edge - RAZORS RISING!!!!

I had nice things to say a couple years back about Osaka's Razors Edge, and I figured it was high time to revisit their discography with this, their second full length. Originally released in 2003 on Kenji Razors' Pizza Of Death Records, this is just some good ass turn of the millenium JP thrash. It's a bit more amateur (and thus a bit more fun, IMHO) than SONIC! FAST! LIFE!, and it covers a lot of the same ground. But the songwriting is there, and the Ramones built a wonderful catalog off the same sort of model, so there you go.

Dig those subtitles. MORE SOUL FOR THRASH!! WE ARE JUST BLITZKRIEG!! Can there be any doubt as to what you're getting here?

For those of you either already on the ground in Japan, or of the means to make your way there, Razors Edge is playing in Osaka in July with a gaggle of other bands. Should be a thrashin' good time. Flip that ballcap bill up and wall of death to your hearts' content!


Click here to download.

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